by Jeffrey Zable

Hello Christopher:
Dug what I read of your journal.
‘In your face' kind of writing. . . the way I like it.
Anyway, I’d appreciate your considering a few of my own concoctions—
all of them written a la pandemic time. . .
I’ve also included a standard bio, even though I didn’t see whether
you wanted to see one or not at this time. . .

Thanks for your consideration. Hope to hear from you soon.


Discounting the actual intent, the gender of repression
represents a cyclical uniformity that even an austere minimalism
can’t differentiate, but it can initiate a clinical cliché
that ultimately becomes a variant of the disease called hope
which regulates the masses into carrying on the metaphor
of existence in which millions and millions of animals
are sacrificed so that the human race can sustain its manicured lawns,
imbuing the mind with sufficient justification to copulate and perpetuate,
even though perpetuation is really nothing more than a misnomer,
promulgated subconsciously from generation to generation.

Jeffrey Zable is a teacher and conga drummer who plays Afro-Cuban folkloric music for dance classes and Rumbas around the San Francisco Bay Area. His poetry, short fiction and non-fiction have appeared in hundreds of literary magazines and anthologies. Recent writing in Former People, Ariel Chart, Corvus, Third Wednesday, The Stray Branch, Misery Tourism, Tigershark, The Nonconformist, Untitled Writing, Uppagus and many others.